Green Light Therapy

Green Light Therapy

Research demonstrates several benefits:

* Accelerates Fat Loss
* Reduces Hyperpigmentation and Spider Veins
* Soothes Muscle Pain and Reduces Inflammation
* Promotes Relaxation and Stress Relief
* Enhances Mood and Energy Levels
* Supports Better Sleep Quality
* Alleviates Migraines

Green light therapy is safe, natural, and non-invasive. No injections or medications!

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A green light therapy session at Elevate Wellness is 20 minutes. For body contouring, we recommend 20 minutes of green light (targeted to your chosen area) followed by 12 minutes of red light therapy.

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How Does Green Light Therapy Work?

Green light works at the cellular level to sculpt the body. Green light opens up microscopic pores in your fat cells to release accumulated excess fatty acids. Once released into your body, the excess fatty acids from your fat cells are used for energy or drained through your lymphatic system and removed as waste.

For skin, green light works from the bottom up, inhibiting the production of excess melanin, preventing it from traveling to the skin's surface. Green light reduces age spots and breaks up spider veins, causing small blood vessels beneath the skin to close down and disappear.

For migraines and brain health, the research is still emerging, but studies reveal that green light hits neural pathways responsible for pain modulation, interrupting the connections that cause pain, providing relief without medication.

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